Celiac Safe and Vatican Compliant Altar Breads

This product contains less than 20 parts per million gluten
50 pieces 1 ½ inch diameter with embossed cross
Packaged in a clearly labelled and sealed plastic jar for easy ID
Storage and use instruction booklet in each order
Certified by The United States Council of Catholic Bishops as compliant with the Liturgical Rules of the Roman Catholic Church.

SKU: N/A Category:
Safe Checkout
All prices are in USD dollars.

    This altar bread contains UNDER 20 parts per million (20 ppm) gluten content. Food products certified by a government-approved laboratory as having under 20 ppm gluten are classified by F.D.A. and by Health Canada as “gluten-free”, therefore safe for celiacs.

    The Vatican requires bread to be made from wheat to be considered  “valid matter” for Holy Communion.  Many other sources have more than 10 times the allowable gluten content while others make products from potato starch and rice flour.
    This altar bread has two ingredients: wheat and water.

    The wheat flour has had the gluten removed to be classified as “Gluten-free”
    Vatican-compliant and safe for celiacs.

    All from one trusted source,

    Shelf Life:
    Our hosts have a shelf life of over a year and should be kept sealed for freshness.
    Allow two weeks for delivery

    It is up to the individual to determine what is safe and appropriate. Please refer to your local Celiac Society and your doctor before consuming any product.

    Weight N/A
    Dimensions N/A
    Jars of 50 per pack:

    1, 3, 10